Application for Tuition Grant Academic Year 2024–2025

The Children’s Educational Assistance Plan is available to benefits-eligible employees with five years of benefits-eligible service. This plan is designed to assist with the cost of your eligible dependent’s full-time, undergraduate education. For more information or to determine eligibility, visit the Children's Educational Assistance.

Eligibility Requirements for Tuition Grant
You must be a benefits-eligible employee of Princeton University who has completed a total of five years of benefits-eligible service at the time the tuition grant is disbursed. For more information regarding the break-in-service rule, refer to the Children's Education Assistance Plan webpage.
  • The child must be verified as a dependent, unmarried, and enrolled as a full-time student in a program leading to an associate degree or a bachelor’s degree at a two-year or a four-year college that is accredited by agencies recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. If you have a child who does not meet the above requirements, but requires an academic accommodation, the child may qualify for a taxable grant. For trade schools, a payment will be made to the employee in the form of a grossed-up payment through payroll. Contact the Human Resources Benefits Team at (609) 258-3302 or [email protected] for special consideration.
  • The unmarried child must be your natural born or legally adopted child, stepchild, or legal ward.
  • To be eligible, your unmarried child must also meet one of the following criteria:
    • The child must be under 24 at the end of the calendar year; the child must claim your residence as one’s official residence while away at school; and the child must not provide over one-half of the child’s own support (scholarships excluded). Or,
    • The child must be under 26 at the end of the calendar year; the child must have gross income, including scholarship income above tuition, in an amount less than the dependent exemption amount for the year ($4,400 for 2022); and you must provide over one-half of the child’s support (if divorced, your former spouse can provide over one-half of the child’s support if you claim the child as your dependent).
  • The grant is available for undergraduate full-time study (12 credits or more) at four-year accredited institutions for up to four academic years (eight semesters or 12 trimesters or quarters, including summer sessions) for unmarried dependent children and, in most cases, is tax free. If a child begins studies at a community college or accredited trade school, an additional two terms will be available if they decide to pursue a degree. The terms do not need to be consecutive.
  • The total annual tuition grant is based on 100% of the child’s tuition costs, including mandatory educational fees. If the child is receiving other scholarships, grants, or awards, the tuition grant does not exceed the remaining eligible costs, if any. Employees must notify the Benefits Team of any such awards.
  • There is a limit of one grant per child per year. If both parents work for Princeton, only one grant can be disbursed per child per academic year. If the child withdraws from school during the academic year, is no longer a full-time student in a degree program, or if there is any other change in the child’s educational status or relationship to the employee, the employee must notify the Benefits Team. The employee is responsible to have the school refund the tuition grant to Princeton University. If the school does not refund the grant, the employee is responsible to repay Princeton the full amount of the grant.
  • Employees must reapply for the tuition grant each academic year. However, if the child is enrolled at a two-year accredited college or trade school, an application must be received each semester.
  • Colleges, universities, and trade schools consider all tuition benefits in determining a student’s eligibility for need-based financial aid. Eligible children may experience a reduction in financial aid due to the eligibility for the tuition grant benefit.
  • Tuition grants are sent directly to the college or university for credit against the student’s account. For trade schools and taxable grants for children with a disability, a payment will be made to the employee in the form of a grossed-up payment through payroll.
  • Princeton University is not responsible for late payment fees or finance charges incurred if the grant is not received by the payment due date stated on the tuition bill. Tuition grants are processed in the order in which they are received and are generally processed within six weeks of receipt. We are unable to give status updates in July and August.
  • For schools outside of the U.S., payment is made in U.S. dollars, and the University uses the exchange rate in effect on the day the grant is processed. The University is not responsible for fluctuations in the exchange rate.
Employee Information
This is a nine digit number.
Campus Location (check one):
Student Information
Student Name:
The child must be under 26 at the end of the calendar year.
Relationship of child to employee (check one):
College Information
College Mailing Address:
Country of college if not in the United States:
Type of Academic Year (check one):
Are you receiving any other scholarship, grants, or financial assistance?
This information must be listed on the bill or the financial aid award letter must be submitted in order to process the tuition grant.
You will need to obtain this information from the financial aid office. If you are receiving any scholarships or grants, you are required to provide the details of the expenses and what they will be applied to as the reimbursement cannot be processed without this information. 
The account summary will not be accepted in lieu of the itemized tuition bill. The reimbursement cannot be processed without the itemized tuition bill.

The Children’s Educational Assistance Plan is available to benefits-eligible employees with five years of benefits-eligible service. This plan is designed to assist with the cost of your eligible dependent’s full-time, undergraduate education. For more information or to determine eligibility, visit the Children's Educational Assistance Plan.