Policy Section: Conditions of Employment
Subsection: Work Status & Schedules
Effective Date
May 03, 2004
Previously Updated
May 07, 2012
Applicable to
Benefits-Eligible Nonexempt Staff
Responsible Executive
Romy Riddick, Vice President for Human Resources
Responsible Office
Office of Human Resources
Policy Description
The University's standard workweek begins at 12:01 am on Monday and ends at midnight on the following Sunday. The normal daily business hours of the University are 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the academic year, and 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during the summer, specific dates announced annually. A regular full time employee's schedule may vary with the particular operational needs of the section or department.
Application of the Policy
Weekly Work Schedules
- Office Staff: 361/4-hour workweek consisting of 5 days of 71/4 hours daily
- Technical Support: 40-hour workweek consisting of 5 days of 8 hours daily
- Maintenance & Service: 40-hour workweek consisting of 5 days of 8 hours daily
Standard work schedules that differ from these guidelines for other than flextime must be reviewed and approved by HR (refer to policy 5.1.4 Flexible Work Arrangements).
Supervisory Responsibility
- Supervisors plan, direct, and assign work schedules to meet the needs of the work unit.
- Supervisors are expected to advise new employees of their daily and weekly work schedules when they are hired, and to give reasonable advance notice to all impacted employees if schedules are to be changed.
- Supervisors authorize and assign overtime when required with as much notice as possible, recognizing that occasions may arise when little or no advance notice is possible.
Changes in Duty Time
Supervisors must consult with HR whenever they need to change the duty time of a regular full-time or part time employee for a period longer than four weeks.
Lunch Periods
- An unpaid hour for lunch is normally provided to office staff members during the academic year; during summer hours, the lunch period is normally 45 minutes.
- An unpaid half-hour lunch period is provided for technical support, maintenance, and service staff members.
Rest Period
- Full-time biweekly-paid employees are provided 20 minutes for rest periods per day, scheduled with the approval of the supervisor. This is paid time and may be taken as one break or split into two 10-minute breaks.
- Paid rest period time may not be accumulated, added to the lunch hour, or used for late starts or for leaving the workplace early.
- Rest period time not taken may not be used toward the calculation of overtime.
- Plans employee work schedule
- Reviews work schedules with employee at time of hire
- Authorizes overtime, gives as much advance notice of need for overtime as is possible