Retiring from Princeton

Campus archway
Retiring From Princeton: Q & A Series

For faculty and staff considering or who have decided to retire from Princeton University, we invite you to join us to learn everything you need to know about the process and the steps needed for a smooth transition to retirement. This session will also be helpful if you are turning 65 and plan to continue to work. 

The Benefits Team will answer questions and guide employees through this significant stage in their life and career.

(Please choose one session – approximately 90 minutes each)


Pink spring blooming trees on campus

Retiree Healthcare Plans

Princeton's retiree healthcare plans are categorized into two groups based on the retiree's age:

  1. Under age 65
  2. Age 65 and over

Additional Information

Biker outside of Icahn Laboratory building
TigerTransit shuttle on campus on a fall day

Other Relevant Information