Dependents' Eligibility & Verification

Eligible Dependents

  • Spouse
  • Children (regardless of student, residential, or marital status)
    • Children must be under age 26 at the time of enrollment. Once enrolled, coverage can continue through the calendar year in which the child turns 26.
  • Legal ward
  • Dependent, unmarried children of any age who are physically or mentally challenged and became disabled before the end of the calendar year in which they turn 26

Eligible Dependents & Required Documentation


Ineligible Dependents

  • Civil union or domestic partners
  • Common law spouses
  • Ex-spouses
  • Former stepchildren of ex-spouses
  • Extended family members (mother, father, siblings, grandparents, in-laws, etc.)
  • Children who are extended family members (grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc. except in the case of legal guardianship)

An extensive list can be found at Benefits Booklet.

Dependent Verification

Copies of the permissible documentation for each dependent can be sent to the Benefits Team by fax to (609) 258-5920, email to [email protected], or campus mail to HR. Benefits eligible employees can call the Benefits Team at (609) 258-3302 with questions and to make arrangements. All documentation received is handled confidentially. Permissible documentation can be found at Benefits Booklet.