
2ndmd Logo

2nd.MD is a free, confidential service that provides expert medical opinion services for individuals facing a healthcare concern. 2nd.MD experts are comprised of board-certified doctors who are recognized leaders in their fields. Receiving an expert second opinion and support can help provide confidence in one’s diagnosis and treatment plan.  

  • Expert second opinion: When faced with a new diagnosis, possible surgery, or a chronic condition, 2nd.MD will connect individuals with leading doctors from top medical institutions via phone or video call for a consultation and expert medical opinion typically within 3-5 days.
  • Find a doctor: 2nd.MD can direct individuals to local high-quality in-network specialists for any issue, including mental health concerns.
  • Expert support: 2nd.MD’s Care Team will provide clinical guidance, education, and support for any medical concerns or questions.
  • Medical Certainty Consult: For individuals who are considering knee, back, or hip surgery, a $400 taxable cash incentive is available if an expert medical opinion is completed prior to surgery.   

To use this benefit, call 2nd.MD at (866) 841-2575, visit their website, or download the 2nd.MD app from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

  • Benefits-eligible faculty and staff and their eligible dependents do not need to be enrolled in a Princeton health plan to use 2nd.MD.
  • The Medical Certainty Consult incentive is only available to benefits-eligible faculty and staff enrolled in a medical plan through Princeton. Retirees are not eligible for the incentive.

Benefits-eligible faculty and staff and eligible dependents have access to 2nd.MD at no cost, whether or not their health insurance is through Princeton. Eligible family members include spouses and children through the end of the year in which they turn 26. Retirees and dependents are eligible if enrolled in a Princeton retiree health plan.

If there are any discrepancies between the information in this publication, verbal representations, and the plan documents, the plan documents always govern. Although Princeton intends to continue these benefits, the University reserves the right to amend or terminate these plans at any time.