
Castlight is a confidential and personalized healthcare tool, accessible online or through a mobile app. Use this tool to:

  • Find in-network doctors, specialists, and hospitals, and compare them by location, cost, quality rating, and patient reviews.
  • Review and track medical and prescription claims and spending, including information about meeting the deductible, payments, and why.
  • See descriptions of medical and prescription coverage and review what is covered.
  • Access insurance ID cards.

Register for Castlight or download the Castlight app from the Apple App Store or Google Play. To learn more about the tool, contact Castlight at (866) 207-6344 weekdays, 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m. EDT.


All benefits-eligible faculty and staff and their adult dependents enrolled in a Princeton medical plan have access to Castlight at no cost. Individuals enrolled in the J-1 Visa Plan are not eligible to use Castlight.

If there are any discrepancies between the information in this publication, verbal representations, and the plan documents, the plan documents always govern. Although Princeton intends to continue these benefits, the University reserves the right to amend or terminate these plans at any time.